May 31 update

Dear Members,

We wanted to provide all our members a new update given the fluid situation that we are all living with the Coronavirus pandemic. Our last update was on May 19, 2020. 

We have some positive news to report. Pools are being instructed to schedule their inspections, which is a great sign towards being able to open. Please see the Montgomery County press release from Friday May 29th.

Our pool management company, Georgetown Aquatics, has prepared our pool for opening. We have already passed our inspection.

It is too early to speculate on what restrictions that we will be held to upon opening, but we will be prepared to meet all of those spelled out requirements once they are decided upon and published.

We want to thank the members who have paid their dues, as we requested.

On the financial side, and as a reminder, all DRA members approved an annual budget that included all members paying their 2020 dues. We still have several who have not paid their dues. We understand due to COVID, that many may have paused or delayed their payments.

We would rather not be faced with a situation in which Montgomery County allows us to open and we must reevaluate our ability to open based on a shortfall in our budget. Please pay your dues ASAP.

Given the update from Montgomery County, the DRA Board of Directors is optimistic about getting you and your families in the water soon!

Things could change in coming days or weeks, but this is where we are as of today. We are happy to discuss this with any member.

Stay safe and healthy,

DRA Board of Directors